A Free Kurdistan

The Paris Peace Agreement of 1919 ended World War 1. Unfortunately, for no good reason, this European peace treaty also gave Kurdish lands, called Kurdistan, to Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey.

Unfortunately, Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey all have government policies of militant monotheism, which creates problems for the people of Kurdistan, for Kurdistan is a multi-faith culture.

The countries currently occupying Kurdistan, all pursue policies of One Nation and One God, enforcing conformity, backed up with a militancy that is not religious at heart.

The problem of relations between Kurdistan and its neighbouring countries is obviously not about religion. it’s about the militancy, and it's interesting to follow the money trail.

As it turns out, the people who profit the most from Kurdistan’s religious and political conflicts are the military arms dealers of America, Europe, Russia and China.

Countries currently occupying Kurdistan land are subsidized with foreign aid dollars, which are used to buy weapons of war. These weapons of war are used to suppress minorities and control traditional Kurdish lands, so America, Europe, Russia and China can have a secure supply of oil.

It’s an evil circle of blood, oil and war machinery that is keeping Kurdistanis from living in their own country. And it's this kind of political process that makes military spending the most profitable industry in the world. At the heart of the world's excessive military spending problem lies Kurdistan, always under attack, but still very much alive.
Looking at the situation spiritually, it’s easy to conclude that the militant monotheism of certain governments is incompatible with Kurdish traditions of tolerant multi-theism. As a result, Kurdistan wants to restore its traditional freedom of religion.

Militant monotheism is the reason Kurds do not enjoy a basic human right of freedom of religion. What we are seeing today is politically-motivated state religions that are embarrassing God, by exercising military brutality on the Kurds, and pretending to do it in God's name.
To this day, the governments of Iraq, Syria, Turkey, and the Islamic Republic of Iran forcefully proselytize the Yarsan Community to convert to Islam. The Islamic Republic of Iran considers Yarsan belief as Fergh-e-Zaleh, “a false cult."

The Turkish government has a similar spiritual-imperialism policy, with a militant One Nation & One Religion dogma, which is enforced by state police. It is obvious, there is no God in this.

Combined with Iran’s Shiaisation, Iraq’s Ba’athtification and Syria’s Arabization policies, a culturally-biased policy in Turkey, oppresses Reyea Haqq Kurds. Kurds wanting to escape persecution have been forced to change religions or be killed.
But the world will not lose its multi-faith traditions, because Kurdish people won't let go of Godsworld history, no matter how many saints are killed.

Modern thought still includes Yazidism and Zoroastrianism, plus a Cult of Angels and The People of Truth, as well as Mazdaism, Mithraism and Mother Earth Paganism.
In modern times, Kurds both accept and deviate from Christian, Hebrew, and Islamic views, by combining all of these spiritual elements.

In this way, Kurdish beliefs have survived mass extermination, cultural genocide, threats of pan- Arabism, pan-Turkism, and Russian conquest for thousands of years.

Despite their compromising and cooperative ways, Kurds are now stuck in a war zone of other people’s creation.

There is too much war machinery in Kurdistan these days. People around the world know, war in Kurdistan is not what God wants.

If there is a positive side to this military mess, perhaps in the middle of all these problems, there may be a solution.
There is, indeed, a spiritual philosophy which can comprehend different religious beliefs, and can solve some problems in the Middle East. This humanitarian philosophy is the multi-faith cultural heritage of Kurdish religion.

To demonstrate how different religions can live together peacefully...

The United Nations should recognize an independent state of Kurdistan. A Free Kurdistan could provide a positive role model for the faith community in the Middle East.
The story of relations between Kurds and the governments of Iraq, Iran, Syria and Turkey has not been written yet, for it is still being written. And as Zoroaster might say, This could end well, or it could end badly.
One thing is clear. The current situation in Kurdistan is not a fight between Kurds and Moslems. Kurds can live with holy people of Islam as cooperatively as they have always lived with people of all religions.
The Kurdish problem is with governments. The governments of Iraq, Iran, Syria and Turkey have stolen Kurdish land, and they won’t give it back.

These governments also take Kurdish oil and don’t pay for it, while Kurdish people starve. The nations that control Kurdish land are profiting from Kurdish suffering.
Political leaders and governments around the world should acknowledge that Kurds are entitled to have their own nation...
an independent, free state called Kurdistan.
What this planet needs is a multi-faith country, like Kurdistan, in the center of the world.
Considering the current state of the world, we might well ask…

What would God want the world to do about Kurdistan?

Let us Free Kurdistan.
A Call to Action
For Kurdistan