Maps of Kurdistan have changed over the centuries. The first map shows the pastoral land of Arkadia, which was home for the children of the Ark, after the great flood, around 12,000 years ago.

The second map shows the ancient Kingdom of Corduene around 100 BC. Courduene is considered to be a forerunner of the pronunciation of Kurdistan, before the time of Christ

Since those early times, four countries, Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey, have developed in the middle east, around the land which is now called Kurdistan. Different maps show how the boundaries have changed as populations moved, and land claims of various kingdoms have come and gone.

Later maps reflect decisions made by various players, including Kurdish authorities, the UN, the CIA, the San Francisco Peace Conference, etc. which have been trying to create a national boundary for a modern state of Kurdistan.

Maps of Kurdistan
Kurdistan Flag, adopted by
the Kurdistan Region in 1992